University Of Taxila Admission Merit Lists 2023

Taxila University is a famous ancient institution of higher learning, located in the ancient city of Taxila on the east bank of the Indus River. So A major settlement around 1000 BC After Achaemenid conquered the Indus Valley around 515 BC. And it became the capital of the Achaemenid territory in the northwest of the ancient Indian subcontinent. But Taxila is located at the crossroads of Asia’s main trade roads. And maybe inhabited by Persians, Greeks, Scythians, and many races from all over the Achaemenid Empire.
So According to some accounts, the ancient Taxila University considers one of the earliest universities in the world. Others don’t think it is a university in the modern sense. And because the teachers who live there may not a formal membership of a particular college, and Taxila does not seem to specialize The built lecture hall and residential area, contrast with the later Nalanda University in East India.
The university is famous for science, especially medicine. And art, but also teaches religious and secular subjects, even including archery or astrology. The students come from remote areas of India. Many of the Jatakas of early Buddhist literature refers to college students. It believes that in addition to Indian students, there are more than 20,000 students from China, Babylon, Syria, and Greece studying there.
The Achaemenid conquest of the Indus Valley made Taxila a part of the Achaemenid Empire. But the Persian conquest may make Taxila University a very international environment in which many cultures and races can exchange their knowledge.
Therefore the role of Taxila University as a knowledge center continued to exist in the 3rd century BC and the 2nd century BC of the Peacock Empire and Greek rule.
The destruction of Toramana in the 5th century A.D. seemed to end the activities of the university.
It said that important professors teaching at the University of Tarsila include:
Panini was a great Indian grammatist in the 5th century BC. It said that he born in Shalatula near Attock, not far from Taxila. This area was part of the Gandhara Governor of the Achaemenid Empire at the time. And but the race in his name or his way of life indicated that he was of Indian descent. He probably has been teaching at Taxila University.
It said that Chanakya, the influential prime minister of Chandragupta Maurya. And the founder of the Maurya Empire also taught in Taxila.
Kumara, according to Yuan Chuang, a Chinese Buddhist monk and traveler in the 3rd century, Kumara, the founder of Jingjing School, is also an excellent teacher at Taxila University, attracting students from as far away as China.
It said that Vasubandhu, the founder of Tibetan Buddhism, taught there. His famous disciples include Fashen and Dinaga.
According to Stephen Batchelor, the Buddha may influences by the experience and knowledge gained by some of his closest followers in Taxila, the foreign capital. It said that several contemporaries and close followers of the Buddha have all studied in Achaemenid Taksim. They are:
A close friend of the Buddha, King Pasenadi of Kosala,
Bandura, commander of the Pasedani Army
Aṅgulimāla, a loyal follower of the Buddha. A Buddhist story about Aṅgulimāla (also known as Ahiṃsaka, who later became a loyal follower of the Buddha) tells how his parents sent him to Taxila to study with a well-known teacher. There, he had excellent academic performance, became the teacher’s favorite student, and enjoyed a special treatment at the teacher’s home. However, other students became jealous of Ahiṃsaka’s rapid progress and tried to get his master against him. For this reason, they feel as if Ahiṃsaka seduced the master’s wife.
Jivaka, Rajagriha’s court doctor, and Buddha’s personal doctors.
Other famous students include:
Charka, the “father of medicine” in India and one of the main authorities in Ayurveda, said to also study and practice in Tarsila. Chandragupta Maurya, Buddhist literature points out that although the future founder of the Peacock Empire, Chandragupta Maurya born near Patna (Bihar) in Magadha, he brought to Taxila by Chanakya to receive training and education, and received “Education for all sciences”. And art”, including military science. He studied there for eight years. [29] The Greek and Hindu texts also pointed out that Chanakya was a native of the northwestern Indian subcontinent, and Chandragupta was his resident student for eight years. These statements are consistent with Plutarch’s statement that Alexander the Great met the young Chandra Guta during his campaign in Punjab.
UET Taxila Last Merit List 2023
UET Taxila Merit List – Candidates who have appeared for the University of Engineering and Technology Taxila Undergraduate ECAT entrance exam and are awaiting UET Taxila UG Merit List 2023. We are happy to inform you that UET Taxila Engineering Merit List 2023 1st, 2nd, 3rd, Final, and Final Merit List displays here. So please log in to your MyUET account to download your call letter. The merit list announces on November 18, 2023, and you can submit your documents by November 22, 2023.
Visit this page regularly for the latest updates. Only those candidates who can apply will participate in the combined entry test organized by UET Lahore in any center of Punjab. So CAT requires admission to UET Taxila and all other campuses and institutions affiliated with this university. UET Lahore conducts an entrance test called ECAT for Engineering Colleges to make the admission process transparent and pure.