UHS Medical Colleges Admission 2023 Apply Online – UAEWAP91

UHS Medical Colleges Admission 2023 Apply Online


UHS Medical Colleges Admission 2023 – Apply Online

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University of Health Sciences UHS Lahore announces public notice for private and public medical university students. Notice of admission for the session-2023 issue soon. So Students in UHS Lahore MBBS and BDS Entry Test Admissions.

Documents of Open Merit and all the seats below require to be provided during the application for admission, so students can complete the list below carefully and submit all the documents to the University of Health Sciences Lahore at the time of submission of application for admission.

UHS Medical Colleges Admission 2023 Apply Online

University of Health Sciences Lahore barred from enrolling in the first-year MBBS / BDS programs for the following private sector medical and dental colleges. For the 2023 session, only online admission applications accept through.

Latest Admissions in University of Health Sciences Lahore (UHS) Affiliated Government Medical and Dental College in Punjab. Admission to MBBS and BDS for session 2023 is in progress. The University of Health Sciences has announced the formula for calculating the overall percentage marks and the schedule of the MDCAT test. For this, 10% of marks will be from Matriculation, 50% marks will be from MDCAT and the remaining marks will be from Intermediate. So In addition, candidates with a score of 83.4% or higher allow applying for admission.

MBBS, BDS Deadline, Admission Schedule, Online Registration, Fee Structure, Result, Entry Test Schedule, to get online details about UHS Admission 2023 in Government Medical and Dental Colleges. See scholarships, faculty, rankings, hostels, and degree programs here.

MBBS,/BDS UHS Admission 2023 In Govt Medical & Dental Colleges

You must be here for the latest admission notices from medical / engineering/business / legal universities and colleges and the last date to apply for admission. Therefore, you should visit regularly and if you have any questions about it or you want to make any suggestions about our website and its work, you can comment on our website, There is a comment section below to give feedback.

UHS MBBS Admission 2023

MDCAT (Medical & Dental College Admission Test) is mandatory for those who want to get admission in MBBS or BDS at this UHS Medical College. If you want to get admission to any medical or dental college in the province then domicile holders of Punjab have to take UHS MDCAT. It is the 5th best university in Pakistan for IT and engineering education to the Higher Education Commission (HEC). Therefore the entrance test by the Educational Testing and Evaluation Agency (ETEA). So Candidates with domicile from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa government, KP, or FATA.

University of Health Sciences (UHS), Lahore is, as always, an authority for admission of Public Medical and Dental Colleges in Punjab, 2023. So UHS is the best medical university in the Punjab province of Pakistan. So University of Health Sciences (UHS), Lahore has announced 2023 MBBS / BDS admissions in public medical. And dental colleges of Pakistan in a meeting convened by the UHS Admissions Board chaired by VC-UHS Professor Javed Akram. Therefore All members of Government Medical Universities and Colleges were present.

Admission start & last date

MBBS / BDS Admission 2023 in all Government Medical and Dental Colleges of Punjab starting date is 2nd November 2023. The last date to apply for MBBS / BDS Admission is 2023 in Government Medical. And Dental Colleges across Punjab is November 16 which can be extended later. Therefore Students are required to apply for admission to MBBS and BDS through UHS online admission portal for medical colleges.