ISSB Selection procedure and types of tests 2023. ISSB- Inter Service Selection Board Selection & Guidelines It is a 5-day program for the recruitment of Commissioned Officers for the Army, Navy, and Air Forces. After clearing the initial test, interviews, and medical the candidates are then called for the test through “call letters” to appear the test. So at ISSB.
So the candidates undergo basically 4 Categories of Tests, Which includes
- Screening Test
- Psychological Test
- Group Testing Officers (GTO) Test
- Interview
5 Day Schedule of ISSB
The schedule of the ISSB is as follows:
So Arrival Day
- Reception
- Checking of Documents
- Allotment of ID/ Chest numbers
- Photographs
- Administration Staff’s address
- Completion of Board Questionnaires
So 1st Day
Opening Address by a Deputy President Intelligence Tests Announcement of screening out result remaining Psychological Tests(Screened out Candidates will not attend the subsequent tests.

2nd Day
BriefingIndoor TasksGroup DiscussionGroup PlanningOutdoor TasksProgressive Group Task (PGT)Half Group Task (HGT)Interviews
3rd Day
Individual ObstaclesCommand TaskFinal Group Task (FGT)Interviews (leftovers).
4th Day
So Day 1: Screening Test
Soon after their arrival, the candidates have to fill in certain Forms including the Personal Information Questionnaire (PIQ).
So the candidates are given two types of INTELLIGENCE Tests which are both Verbal and non-verbal just like the candidates who appeared in their preliminary or initial tests. These tests are called Screening Tests. The screening test result declares within 15 – 30 minutes of the completion of the test. ISSB Selection procedure and types of tests 2023.
So the candidates who qualify while remaining there for the next 4 days to undergo the remaining tests, the rest are excused and asked to return home.
Day 2: Psychological Tests
So Picture Story Writing Test.
2. Word Association Test.
3. So Situation Reaction Test.
4. Self-Description Test.
So Go systematic. Suggested heading is
So about your parents and place of birth and family background. Physical AttributesSocial Contacts. So Education and Extra-curricular activities, achievements. Your aims and goals. Both short and long term.Religion.
ISSB Selection procedure and types of tests 2023
The candidates are required to write 12 stories in total out of which 11 are having some pictures and one is without pictures. You will get about 3 minutes for each story. Do not write stereotype stories. Try different themes for different stories. Remember you are the Hero; the aim should be to bring out the leadership qualities of the hero through these stories. Only during the perception test, you are to give age, sex, mood, and the number of persons you see in the picture. Your story must suit the picture yet tells something about the past incident which would have led to this situation that is happening in the picture. You must also highlight what is likely to happen in the future.