BISE Bahawalpur Board I Com Date Sheet 2024.
I.COM Class Date Sheet | Details |
Exams Start From | June 2024 |
Years | 2024 |
Class | I.COM |
Board | BISE Bahawalpur Board |
Note | BISE Bahawalpur Board ICom Exams 2024 will start from July 2024. According to the PBCC schedule, Icom Date Sheet will be announced in June. |
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The I.Com exams for Part 1 and Part 2 students held every year in May. For the year 2024, the exams also take place in June, while the date sheet expects to announced in May. Confirmation made by the officers of the board. All students should keep in touch with us for the latest updates to the ICom date sheet from the BISE Bahawalpur 2024 Board.
BISE Bahawalpur Board I Com Date Sheet 2024
So BISE Bahawalpur began operations in 1977 to provide educational services in the Bahawalpur division. Students from remote areas of the division sign up to appear in the final exam.
So the board also conducts supply tests for failed students. The BISE Bahawalpur Board conducts enrollment and interrelationship examinations for the districts of Bahawalpur, Bahawalnagar, and Rahim Yar Khan. All admission, date sheet, and exam updates are generally posted on the board’s official website. Registration and admission times also announced in different newspapers.
Because BISE Bahawalpur began operations in 1977 to provide educational services in the Bahawalpur division. Students from remote areas of the division sign up to appear in the final exam. The board also conducts supply tests for failed students. The BISE Bahawalpur Board conducts enrollment and interrelationship examinations for the districts of Bahawalpur, Bahawalnagar, and Rahim Yar Khan.
I.Com Date Sheet BISE
All admission, date sheet, and exam updates are generally posted on the board’s official website. Registration and admission times also announced in different newspapers. So Date Sheet Bahawalpur board I.Com
The I.Com exams for Part 1 and Part 2 students every year conducts in May. For the year 2024, the exams also held in June while the date sheet expects to announce in May. The confirmation made by the officials of the board. All the students must stay in touch with us to get the latest updates of BISE Bahawalpur Board ICom Date Sheet 2024.
I.Com Date Sheet Bahawalpur Board
BISE Bahawalpur starts functioning in 1977 to impart educational services in the Bahawalpur division. Students from far-flung areas of the division register themselves to appear in the final exam. The board also holds the supply exams for failed students. BISE Bahawalpur Board conducts matric and inter exams for Bahawalpur, Bahawalnagar, and Rahim Yar Khan Districts. All the updates of admission, date sheet.
And exams generally posted on the official website site of the board. Because the registration and admission schedules also advertised in different newspapers.
Regular and private students both can apply for the annual exams every year. Regular students get the admission form at their respective schools or colleges while private candidates collect the forms from the HBL bank branches located in their areas. The board issues the date sheet and sends roll number slips at least 20 days before the beginning of exams. Now the board to announce its Inter Date Sheet 2024. So for scheduling the annual examinations that hold in the coming months of March or April 2024.
Bahawalpur Board DateSheet I.Com
The I.Com exams for Part 1 and Part 2 students every year conducts in May. For the year 2024, the exams also held in June while the date sheet is expected to announces in May. The confirmation made by the officials of the board.
All the students must stay in touch with us to get the latest updates of BISE Bahawalpur Board ICom Date Sheet 2024. All the candidates of I.Com Part 1 and Part 2 must stay in touch with to get the latest updates of ICom Date Sheet 2024 BISE Bahawalpur and the schedule of annual exams 2024.
Date Sheet I.Com Bahawalpur Board
BISE Bahawalpur starts functioning in 1977 to impart educational services in the Bahawalpur division. Students from far-flung areas of the division register themselves to appear in the final exam. The board also holds the supply exams for failed students. BISE Bahawalpur Board conducts matric and inter exams for Bahawalpur, Bahawalnagar, and Rahim Yar Khan Districts. All the updates of admission.
So date sheets and exams are generally posted on the official website site of the board. The registration and admission schedules are also advertised in different newspapers. Regular and private students both can apply for the annual exams every year. Regular students get the admission form at their respective schools or colleges while private candidates collect the forms from the HBL bank branches located in their areas.
The board issues the date sheet and sends roll number slips at least 20 days before the beginning of exams. Now the board is going to announce its Inter Date Sheet 2024 for scheduling the annual examinations that will be held in the coming months of March or April 2024.
I.Com Date Sheet 2024 Bahawalpur Board
Remember that the I.Com date sheet Bahawalpur board date changes every year. Paper is made every year according to the new Schedule. Therefore, this schedule is for the 2024 year. We will update this page for the I.Com date sheet 2024 next year. BISE Bahawalpur Board I.Com date sheet 2024.
About Bahawalpur Board
In 1977, the Govt. of Punjab separated the Bahawalpur Division from the Multan and approved the sanction of B.I.S.E Bahawalpur as a separate independent Educational Board.
On 9th July 1977. A camp office of the Bahawalpur Board establishes in Multan. And the willingness of the staff of Multan Board for Bahawalpur Board called for.
On 3rd February 1978, the Bahawalpur Board started functioning in Bahawalpur in a hired building and in the middle of 1978. So the completion of staff. But the first examination of Supplementary 1978 held.
In early 1979, the office of Bahawalpur Board shift to a building of Daulat Khana afterward; the Revenue Board allotted about 23 Acre plot of land (wherein the present campus exists) to the Bahawalpur Board. The Board, according to its financial means built the boundary wall. And a limited office building and the Board shift to this campus in 1985.
With the increasing number of candidates and requirements, it was decided to build a new building for the Board in 1989. The construction of the new building was started in September 1991 and it was completed in 18 months with the cost of about 2.5 corer rupees. The office of the Board was shifted to the newly constructed building in March 1993 and the old Building was specified for Sports Hostel Warehouse and Secrecy Offices. Now it has been decided that this old building will be specified for the Examination center.