The year 2022 came with Coronavirus, disrupting so many things in life. Examinations and the typical routine of studies were no exceptions. All BISEs in Pakistan conduct 12th class exams during April/May every year. But due to strict lockdown and public safety, the exams were altogether cancel. In fact, any BISE across Pakistan did not even get a chance to release the date sheet of the exam. So the simple fact: Not a single exam paper is take for the 12th class. BISE Abbottabad Board Intermediate 12th Class result 2022.
No Exams But Students Promoted in Next Class
However, the Education Ministry and all the Boards knew students had to move forward. After 12th Class results, students start getting admission to professional courses in colleges and universities. Therefore, it was decide that students would promote base on their results and scores in the last exam. This means if a student pass in the last class (1st year), he would be auto-pass from the 12th class. In addition to giving equal marks of the last year’s result, it was decide that each student will also get a 3% additional grace mark. So the resulting formula was decide as below.
It is worth mentioning that the above formula and result arrangement for the 12th class is great for those students who passed their last exam. But for those students who fail as a whole or failed in specific exams did not qualify to get promot. Each respective board has indicate that such students will have to appear in a special exam which will hold once the Covid-19 situation gets in control. BISE Abbottabad Board Intermediate 12th Class result 2022.
Intermediate 12th Class result 2023
The Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education. Abbottabad is entrust with the task of conducting annual Class XII examinations in colleges or higher secondary schools. Which falls under the jurisdiction of the Board. The results of BISE Abbottabad FA / FSc are announce after completion of examination and marking of papers. Students and faculty attend a prize-giving ceremony for BISE Abbottabad 12th grade results toppers, which is held at the board’s main auditorium.
Abbottabad Board HSSC Part 2 Result Students are provided with marks in the subject and they can get the result of BISE Abbottabad Inter Part 2 for students from this page. When the Abbottabad Board announces the results of BISE Abbottabad Intermediate, it is updated on this page, so that the students can get their detailed results from this page along with the details of the position holder students.